Setting Up a Third-Party RADIUS Server

The following procedure provides an example for setting up a third-party RADIUS sever, FreeRADIUS which can be downloaded from Follow the instructions on this Web site for installing and configuring the server. If you use a RADIUS server from a different vendor, refer to its appropriate documentation.

To set up a third-party RADIUS server (e.g., FreeRADIUS):
1. Define the Device as an authorized client of the RADIUS server, with the following:
Predefined shared secret (password used to secure communication between the device and the RADIUS server)
Vendor ID (configured on the Device in Configuring the RADIUS Vendor ID)

Below is an example of the clients.conf file (FreeRADIUS client configuration):

# clients.conf - client configuration directives
client {
        secret          = FutureRADIUS
        shortname       = my_device
2. If access levels are required, set up a Vendor-Specific Attributes (VSA) dictionary for the RADIUS server and select an attribute ID that represents each user's access level. The example below shows a dictionary file for FreeRADIUS that defines the attribute "ACL-Auth-Level" with "ID=35". For the device's user access levels and their corresponding numeric representation in RADIUS servers, see Configuring Management User Accounts.
# AudioCodes VSA dictionary
VENDOR AudioCodes 5003
ATTRIBUTE ACL-Auth-Level 35 integer AudioCodes
VALUE ACL-Auth-Level ACL-Auth-UserLevel 50
VALUE ACL-Auth-Level ACL-Auth-AdminLevel 100
VALUE ACL-Auth-Level ACL-Auth-SecurityAdminLevel 200
3. Define the list of users authorized to use the device, using one of the password authentication methods supported by the server implementation. The example below shows a user configuration file for FreeRADIUS using a plain-text password:
# users - local user configuration database
john    Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "qwerty"
        Service-Type = Login-User,
        ACL-Auth-Level = ACL-Auth-SecurityAdminLevel
sue   Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "123456"
        Service-Type = Login-User,
        ACL-Auth-Level = ACL-Auth-UserLevel
4. Record and retain the IP address, port number, shared secret code, vendor ID, and VSA access level identifier (if access levels are implemented) used by the RADIUS server.